June 02, 2021 2 min read

Arthritis is a common problem for many individuals as they age. Arthritis in the knee and arthritis in the back are both very common, but hips, feet, and hands are also common areas where people experience pain. Many individuals actually require surgery for replacement or repair, but a surgery is not always justified or available for some. In addition, resorting to a constant regimen of pain medications can cause other problems that become more difficult than the joint pain. These arthritis sufferers are left to their own devices, which usually means finding natural methods of coping with the disorder. 

Dietary Supplements

It is a known fact that many foods can help induce pain in the joints by increasing inflammation in the body, which is what causes arthritis. Avoiding these foods can help to some degree, but many choose to take additional herbal and vitamin supplements that can lessen pain and help boost tolerance in small amounts. Many arthritis victims also have chronic conditions, which means they experience problems constantly. Making dietary changes can be a good start for natural pain relief. 

Physical Therapy

Regular physical therapy can also produce good results for some who are still able to function at least moderately. This may not work for those who suffer from crippling arthritis, which is more common than many people think. Given that inflammation generally is what causes arthritis, regular exercise can help keep joints operating in a reasonable manner while improving the quality of life naturally. 

Topical Ointments

Many arthritis sufferers use topical creams regularly that can seep through the skin and provide some relief in the joints. Others who do not want to use powerful painkillers will use aspirin in addition to a topical application to provide an internal blood flow boost to the treatment. While this is not necessarily natural, aspirin has proven to be a very effective low side effect medical treatment for a variety of problems. 

Hot and Cold Therapy

Probably the most effective method of controlling arthritis pain and improve mobility is employing hot and cold therapy. Most people will use cold or hot compresses devised at home to provide this therapy, but the best tool for this process is probably a hot/cold pack that can be strapped to the affected part of the body and provide ongoing relief while the pack is in place. Typically these products are one or the other in terms of temperature, but there are also bodypack products on the market can do both a heat compress or ice pack as needed by the wearer for arthritis treatment.